The seeds are in the human and animal food everyday. Artemisa provides various seeds such as rape, sunflower, vetch, peas and cotton.
Rape is a plant whose seed is extracted rapeseed oil, also used in the production of biodiesel. The plant leaves also serve as fodder for livestock (and it is cultivated in many countries) for its high content of lipids and proteins..
Sunflower seed oil that is edible is extracted from the sunflower. World production exceeds 20 million tons of grain. The seed is also used in captive feeding birds besides being one of the most used in the live feed. Has also been a good alternative to animal feed, replacing other grains.
Vetch is explicitly recommended for cattle / sheep and can be grown for green manure.
The pea is grown by man for thousands of years been the main focus of production in the area of Turkey and Syria. It is beneficial in heart disorders, nervous system disorders, pregnancy, lactation and diabetes.
Cotton is a seed used in cattle feed and particularly dairy cows. From the seed is possible to obtain an edible oil.